Useful grooming information pertaining to the Show/Pet/Performance Cardigan Welsh Corgi.
Pure Paws Cardigan Welsh Corgi Bathing Video
Grooming Supplies and direct links to the Offical site of Chris Christensen Product...
Pin Brush
Iconic Brass Brush
Offical Chris Christensen's Website for Grooming Supplies
The Buttertooth Comb, mix of fine/coarse teeth, for your Corgi's double coat. Your first pass is with the coarse teeth, so that your second comb-out, with the fine teeth, is easy and smooth: no pulling on hair or skin.
Powder Brush
Slicker Brush
Dremel Tool for Toenails is a must, make your Corgi with happy feet. Sand at the Triangle points, not in just the front as it can get hot. Easy on your dog, you'll be able to see it get softer in the middle and stop/done. Makes nail trimming less stressful for all.
Canine Nail Chart...
Walnut Creek Cardigan Welsh Corgis ~1's w/the tail~